I truly do not understand why people are acting surprised about the video clip that has been doing rounds of kirinyaga´s deputy governor busted having sex with a married woman. (Notice how nobody calls him by name, just kirinyaga´s deputy governor?)
Kenya is a country of corrupt individuals, immoral beings, deadbeat parents, lying politicians and the lesser sin here – cheats.
This country is at a point where (arguably) everybody cheats on their partners. Nudity and sex has become so casual even to the young teenagers, case in point #ifikiewazazi. Loyalty is for the dogs, literally and Cheating is cool because everyone does it.
Even our deputy president´s child that was born out of wedlock surfaced recently and nobody was surprised because you know, almost every man in Kenya has a child(ren) born out of wedlock. I recently met a guy who has twelve baby mamas and he started hitting on me. Twelve! So proud he was, you would think he had just won the Nobel peace prize. Of course, i ran for the hills. Miss me with such toxicity.
Just last week a kid came out and declared herself to be our president´s daughter. Nobody knows whether she is saying the truth or not, but then again nobody was surprised. A few hours later and people started referring to his excellency as baba (insert girl´s name)
This is the country where a doctor was caught on tape raping his patients after drugging them, aired on live TV accompanied with a whole documentary on the same and allowed to go Scot free. No charges because apparently there wasn’t enough evidence. Of Course there wasn’t enough evidence. Just a few videos doing the rounds, right? Right.
Kenya is the country of waiganjos. The country where little girls main role models are the socialites of this world. Where sponsors have been normalized and having one is something almost every girl aspires to, irrespective of whether the said sponsor has a wife and family and is five times your age. I mean, having a sponsor is hip and cool and he gets to fly you out of the country to these beautiful destinations you otherwise would never have visited in your lifetime.
There is no rule of law in this country. A country where only the worst of the worst make it to the top. A country that elevates thieves and embezzlers to powerful positions. Where embezzlers, murderers and rapists become governors. These , mark you, are not nominated positions but elective ones. So you would agree with me that we have nobody to blame but ourselves.
When it gets to a point where everybody is worried about kirinyaga´s deputy governor´s video but for reasons other than the obvious ones, then there is a problem somewhere. And it is not a minor one. Every man out there is busy castigating the person who leaked the tape and shouting from on top of the rooftop how it was a plain set up. No one is addressing the underlying issue. That this is a married man with a family and grown kids out there. Why should they? After all, everyone cheats. Even the so called husband who busted them probably just came from a hotel somewhere where he’d just had sex with his side chic. Which is not also wrong because, you know, every man has a side chic, some of whom have accepted their roles as mpango wa kandos in these relationships.
Before i leave, i need to say this to married women out there. Do not ever raise your filthy voices and dirty fingers (all that toiling for a man who cheats on you anyways. Would never be me) to write all type of insults to single mothers. Married women keep saying how single mothers are immoral and all but it is ironical that it is these same married women who keep getting caught in these tight situations. All these men who have been caught having sex with women who are not their wives, were caught doing so with married women. Married women keep breaking other women´s marriages. They are the same ones spoiling people’s sons kwa plot. Married women have become the epitome of immorality. If you thinki i am lying, check out the German guy who leaked his messages for the whole world to see how desperate some women could be. You know what the shocker is? 98% of the women who were begging to be in a relationship with him were married women. You cannot make this shit up.
Let the deputy governor be. We created this mess we are in as a country.
by chris masake
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by Wa Muriithi Na Prince
Wow amazing blogs