1.       The rapist
You know that guy who is your partner but always forces himself on you?  Smooches you with his very wet kisses and never takes no for an answer. He daent have resting days it’s always sex, sex and more sex to him. Gal friend, get outa there fast.
If he is always taking you headfast even when you are as dry as a maize cob, then leaves you bruised all over, ashana nayeye. Do not try to please someone at the expense of your own feelings and happiness.
2.       The drunkard.
He always gets home late, he doesn’t have drinking days as in everyday is a drinking day to him. Surprisingly he never has the urge to puke until he gets in the house, at which point he pukes all over the place. He then sleeps on the couch with his sewage trodden shoes dirtyfing the whole place.
3.       Dirty men.
You walk around the house and come across his socks in one of the sufurias.
The wet towel he used yesterday morning is somewhere between the clothes in the basket for dirty clothes and you are wondering where  that kasmell is coming from.
His boxers are err,, a different story all together.
Girlfriend, run for the hills.
4.       The workaholic.
Hardly have you got to his house to spend the weekend, than he gets a phonecall he is needed at work. He rushes off and comes back at night, totally wasted and finds you asleep. The next morning (Sunday) you go out to have some fun or a swimming workout. Just before he hits the water his phone rings…..its his workplace and he is needed urgently. He hurriedly changes his clothes and leaves without as much as a backward glance…..
Msichana, there is no difference between you and a single lady.
5.       The insecure man.
It’s a bit forgivable for a woman to snoop around a guy’s phone but it’s a total turnoff when a man does it. It screams p****. Please ditch that guy who is always snooping through your phone, receiving your phone calls and calling you with strange numbers just to quench his suspicion. He can’t let you go out with your friends and all your tweets and updates and whatever go directly to his phone. He always stalks you and has that shoeshine guy next to your workplace on his payroll, just to spy on your movement. Heck, this guy even goes through your handbag to see what you have carried. There is nothing as unsexy as an insecure man.
Ladies beware; this man is more dangerous than a murderer.
6.       The violent man.
If he hits you he has no business being with you. Its that’s simple really.
7.       The whiner.
Yes, we do have men who whine and nag. They never appreciate what you do. They always have an issue with anything you do and are always the victims in the relationship. God knows they know how to play victim.
This one was probably a last born.
8.       The miser.
Kukula cabbage kila siku and yet there are millions in your account is not even funny. Never date a miser. On valentines he sends you a card that has flowers drawn on it and not real flowers. He counts the pieces of meat you cut and counts them before you start eating to confirm they all there. He dips a stick on the sour milk to mark the level the milk is and does the same routine in the evening. You probably get my drift.
Run baby run…….