Hallo darlings! Well here we are, and today I want us to talk about healthy living. This is especially directed to ladies seeing as it is us who have the most issues with our bodies. Late last year, I realized I had gained quite some weight. I was a junk addict and soda was my biggest undoing. It really is a tough journey, having to let go of your pizzas and replacing them with, err, spinach. #smiles#
I love chicken, fried chicken to be precise and believe you me sometimes I would shed a few tears knowing that I was going to spend a whole week without having some wings. Trust me, junk addiction is a curse. I used to weigh 53kgs. Then gradually I hit 83. Thing is, you never notice when your gaining weight. It just hits you one day that your clothes can’t fit and that you have difficulties using the stairs to even get to the first floor. I remember my mother gave me a visit to Watamu, I was there last year for a project we had.
The look on her face when she saw me is to this day, etched in my memory. There I was, fatter than a pig, rounder around the waist than her, sagging tummy and a double chin to boot. Until then, until my mother came and brought me back to my senses, I hadn’t realized how bad this had become. How so out of hand the situation was spiraling! Exit the chicken, enter the fake friends. The “if your boyfriend loves you the way you are, you have no issue worrying.” Or the classic one “be proud of your body. Accept yourself.” I don’t buy that crap.
Don’t get me wrong I’m not saying you should not love your body, but why not work towards getting a better body and loving it even more?” The “I love my body the way it is,” to me, is usually an excuse for the lazy people. Period.
So how do you work towards getting that cellulite free body?
How do you work towards having a smooth radiant skin?
How do you cut that tummy?
How, for Christ’s sake, do you reduce the size and color of your stretch marks?
How do you firm up your muscles, and reduce that dancing bit of loose flesh on your thighs? How do you make that waistline visible? Sounds like the impossible huh? Well, you might read this and roll your eyes and think this is not possible but trust me this is very possible and you can get results in as little as four weeks. I’m not talking about miracles. I was there and I did it. I was 83. I now weigh 68 kgs. I want to share tips for those gals out there who are trapped in a body they don’t like but don’t even know what to do about it, how to even go about it. No pills, just you and I everyday going through very simple but proved procedures that work wonders. I’m going for lunch. When I come back, I’ll share with you every step of this hard but achievable journey. Bon appetite!!
by Anonymous
we are waiting 🙂 for that wonderfull information dear
by gloria
winnie i love this!!!! cant wait for the details. harakisha lunch
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