As someone that has lost a significant amount of weight over the past one year, I understand the importance of losing weight, keeping fit and staying healthy. Obesity is slowly becoming a major problem in African countries and it would be vital for people to understand the benefits that come with shedding off some weight.
Some of these benefits include better memory, more energy, increased fertility in both men and women and improvement in blood cholesterol. Losing weight can improve moods and has also been shown to reduce symptoms of depression. This has been linked to hormonal changes that have a high chance of occurrence when body fat decreases.
Excessive weight could sometimes lead to health problems like joint pain, poor sleep quality, fatigue, trouble healing wounds and complications during and after surgery. Futhermore an overweight (or even unfit person) has a high chance of developing chronic diseases that include amongst others; heart disease, hypertension, high blood pressure and diabetes.
All these are serious problems that could be avoided with as simple a step as losing weight.

There is scientific research to show that overweight or obese people can increase their lifespan by 2 or more years by simply reducing just 3% of their overall weight. I mean, who wouldn’t want that! I was mind blown! Who doesn’t want to add a few years to their life on earth? I know I do. And if this isn’t enough reason to help you start watching what you eat or even hit that treadmill, then I don’t know what is.

Another great reason to lose weight is boosting your immune system. Cut off irritating colds, flu and viruses by losing weight and keeping fit.
When simple tasks like breathing, climbing up the stairs or walking become cumbersome, then shedding off weight should become a priority.
Lastly, almost everyone is conscious about how they look. Losing weight boosts one’s self esteem and confidence. Once you start fitting into those clothe sizes you’ve always wanted to fit into but always been unable to, not to mention giving one that youthful appearance, then everything becomes worth the while.
These are some of the few benefits that come with losing weight. Every person should strive towards leading a healthy lifestyle and that begins with being a good diet, feeding healthy and being physically active – all of which helps one to lose weight and stay fit. Of importance in all these – it should be noted- is consistency.

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