So there has been a series of exposes on the illegal dealings carried out by the city council of Nairobi, by John Allan Namu and Mohammed Ali aired on KTN. What I saw was shocking and totally unacceptable. Some of the tactics these people employ to exhort money from the poor masses are uncouth, crude and downright criminal in their ways.

Honestly it is high time citizens said no and stood up for their rights. It has been a long way coming. If these videos don’t persuade Governor Kidero and even senator sonko (he of “I am a man of the people” self title) to do something and stop corruption in this department then I do not know what ever will.

I am so proud; as I am sure are many other Kenyans, of these guys who are risking their lives to bring to the fore these issues that seriously need to be addressed.

I will not say much but will allow the below videos to speak for themselves. And as usual I share with you some of the tweets from the #kanjokingdom




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