The whole world knows that Kenya is one of the most beautiful places on earth. It’s not disputable – go argue with your high school geography teacher Hehe.

We are a nation of firsts; first female African Nobel prize winner, we produced America’s first black president, first country in the world where lions roam highways majestically…..

In a span of just one month we have had a total of more than eight lions breaking free from the national park and going deep into human civilization. Eight! Thank God no one has been hurt so far and let’s hope it stays that way. I think wild animals are not as stupid as we think and that maybe, just maybe, they know the repercussions killing a human being will have on them. All these happenings are a pointer on how encroachment of national parks has increased human wildlife conflict. It’s actually scary because it’s a sure eye opener at what is to come – and what is to come could be worse. Not to forget about all that land that was allocated to national parks but ended up as title deeds to a wealthy few and will now come back to bite us in the ass – pun intended.

Lions in Kenya are so brilliant they know not to use the road but use footpaths instead. Do you even know how cool that is? The only problem is Kenyans are so pessimistic, sometimes when things go haywire- like in this case- you don’t have to be all sourly. Just relax and take in the magical moment. Because while Kenyans are busy complaining (with one guy even saying how Kenya has become a failed state, seriously guy?) the rest of the world is busy wishing they were there to witness the beautiful moment first hand. Oh well, I guess we are just special.

Below is a video of one of the lions seen strutting without a care in the world as onlookers go “OMG!” Plus various reactions from Kenyans on twitter and other twitter users.

On the above tweet, you are from Uganda. Dude, in Kenya even lions have more freedom than people in Uganda!






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