A few days ago a story exploded on social media. It was about the now famous askari Linda Okello. What started as an innocent enough photo has now captured international attention. As the story spread (I’m proud to say I coined the term ASS Kari) it also begun to emerge that Linda’s bosses were not happy with the attention she was receiving.
It is worth noting that nobody trolled Linda (or “roasted” her). If anything everybody was awed by her curvaceous body. So let’s start from there. People were not complaining about her skirt. People were talking about her curves. Suddenly, she was facing disciplinary action including being fired or allegedly being transferred to North eastern province. I get it. The police bosses can be abit arrogant (or even jealous in the case of Linda’s female boss) but what they did not count on was this whole infamous incident backfiring on them.
Linda said she hasn’t received uniform for a number of years, during which time she had added a substantial amount of weight. So was it her fault she put on weight? Was it her fault that she hadn’t received uniform for I don’t know how many years? It is now coming to light that the police officers do not get their uniform as regularly as they should. Uniform that is supposed to be issued annually can now take, according to one officer, up to six years.
Wow, just wow. Our police officers are already earning peanuts as it is. Expecting them to dip into their pockets to buy their own pair is, to say the least, cruel.
Another issue that is now emerging is the tender process of the police uniform. Quoting a popular blogger, only one person has been making these uniforms since independence! To cry or to laugh? So clearly the whole advertising thing is just for PR, the whole tendering process is PR too. So now we know that an individual has been making millions making these uniforms since independence.
Some people have also been asking if she can run in that skirt. The question here is, can you run in ANY skirt, leave alone a short skirt? For crying out loud, no woman can run in a long skirt either! Plus, where is she running to? She is a traffic police so will she be chasing matatus? Please be serious.
Thank you Linda Okello for coming into our lives because now we have questions we want answered about the tendering process of these uniforms. You have been a blessing in disguise. I hear you are one humble lady; any person who has come into contact with you in kiambu seems to have that impression. Continue serving Kenyans.
Oh by the way, where are our famous feminists when we need them? Or do they only stand up for famous people, i.e. madam Shebesh?
Have a curvaceous day now, wont you?