The youth of today face very interesting times. Challenging but interesting all the same. Studies show that by the age of 44 the average man has had approximately seven sexual partners and the average woman has had four. Seven! Four! I wonder where this research was carried out?
The rise and rise of reckless behavior among young people like smoking, heavy drinking and other substance abuse has led to an increase in casual sex. It’s disheartening if you think about it deeply. Nowadays kids start having sex at the age of 13. What’s even worse is the number of partners they have. Casual sex with different partners is a disease that eats you away and which can and will impact your physical and emotional health in ways that you may not even begin to imagine.
Why do people engage in reckless sexual behavior with total strangers? Taking a stranger to your house after a night out of drunken activity that spiraled out of control has become a norm. It’s so normal nowadays that no one considers it an issue worth addressing. Either that or everyone just decided to turn a blind eye. Among the reasons given for this behavior is that it is exciting. Exciting? What is so exciting about having sexual activities with strangers every other weekend? I mean seriously, what is? Tell it to me like I am a 4 year old, because I totally don’t get it. Its disgusting, period! Don’t confuse that with “sexual liberation.” Just don’t. Those two are very different. So you shout to all those who care to listen about your sexual prowess. So this elevates your status among your peers (which is another reason people give for having numerous partners) but do you know something we all know; you can lie to the whole world but you cannot lie to yourself. Do you loathe yourself afterwards? How short lived is the gratification? Do you want to smash the mirror in the morning when you wake up next to a stranger and see the effects of your over indulgence (both in substance abuse and sex) catching up with you?
Honestly you can’t claim to love yourself and then go ahead and self destruct in the same breath. Our bodies are like our properties. If you treat them respectfully and with care, they will hold their end of the bargain. They say Eat healthy and you will live long, no? Well, you fill your body with chemicals and alcohol and tobacco nonstop and see how well that goes. Five years and you are beat. Kaput. You start looking ten years older and what’s worse, you actually feel ten years older.
A good friend once told me the more you engage in sex with numerous partners the sadder you become. Promiscuity eats at your soul. You become soulless. I agree with him. Initially it’s all fun until you realize you are getting caught in a web and you cannot undo yourself.
A web of STI’s or STD’s. You are now in a web with a UTI that just won’t go away. Now you have frequent visits of herpes and you don’t even know how you contracted it or how many other people you have infected. They you realize you are addicted. It becomes your prison. You worship it. You can’t live without the thrill. Reckless sex is now your opium. You are hooked and you don’t know how to stop. It is now costing you relationships with the people you love and even your peers who used to high five you a while back are now married and talking behind your back of how despicable you have become.
It is estimated that millions of new STD infections occur all over the world yearly. Among the most common are Chlamydia, syphilis and gonorrhea. But do you know that the most common of all is the papillomavirus (HPV)? Granted, most HPV infections are subclinical and will cause no physical symptoms but, Wait for this. In some people the virus becomes clinical and may cause benign papillomas like warts or cancers of the cervix, penis, vulva, vagina, anus and throat cancers. Yes, even oral sex is not safe. At all. I think it’s worth noting that high risk HPV is a cause of nearly all cases of cervical cancer. It is the highest cause of cervical cancer, estimated at around 70%.
Next time you want to engage in casual sex with a stranger or people other than your partner, think twice.
Combine your promiscuity with other risky behavior like smoking, heavy drinking, substance abuse, lack of sleep, poor eating habits and guess what you have on your hands; chronic diseases like heart disease.
But then that is just the beginning of your problems. Or maybe it’s the end, because the heart disease could be fatal. Depression. This swings both ways. It could be that you are heavily depressed and this led to you engaging in casual sex in the first place. Yes, promiscuity could actually be a symptom of depression. Or now you definitely are depressed because of the aftermath of your actions. Either way, do not take your emotional heath lightly.
I have talked about HIV/AIDS in one of my previous posts so I won’t talk about it today.
When all is said and done, love yourself. Don’t be fooled by social media. Take care of your body. Engage in safe sex with your longtime partner. Yes, longtime relationships could be boring but at least they are SAFE.
Have a safe sex day now, wont you?