Don’t get me wrong I am a firm believer of gender equalism. But if the feminists of today are all going to behave and think like one Njoki Chege, I’m afraid the cause is lost! If I read one more article on how I should have fun or if women should marry a man for the money and things he has or doesn’t have, I swear I’ll explode and I am not just saying!
I thought the opening paragraph to her article “why I’m not dating and wont tie the knot soon” was pretty cool until she said the words, “Jesus is the only man in my life.” Seriously, who says that!! I bet even Jesus himself, sitting on the right hand of God, was mighty offended by that statement. You know, ALL the women who use that line were either disappointed by a huge number of men in their life, prostitutes who saw the light or just plain criminals who have finally repented their sins. For real! Luckily for her, she goes ahead and says ”okay maybe the …answer is a lie, there are quite a number of them (men) in my life but that is not the story here.”
So Njoki is twenty five, wants to date men aged around 28-30 years. Her words, not mine. “But the unfortunate thing I have come to realize is that the young men I am supposed to date are far from being men. They are boys. Tall boys with blue Subaru imprezas who drink cheap liquor on weekday nights and show up to their workplaces the next morning hangovered, smelling like a brewery.”
Woman please, what do you expect from a 28 year old man! The irony in that blog is repulsive. So you want a man to drink expensive (expensive being relative here) alcohol and not drive a Subaru. A 28yr old man to drink alcohol worth 20k every day, drive a 3M car, already have acres and acres of land, have his own house, ( not a “poorly finished one bedroom house in roysambu….”and I don’t know what other estates she mentioned.) Jesus, just thinking of it exasperates me!
She goes ahead and disses guys with Subaru’s worth 850,000 or those whose only achievement is that cut rate Toyota mark x whose car loan he is struggling to pay!!!
Cut these hardworking sons of our mothers some slack! I mean, show me a millionaire who is not wallowing in loans and I will show you a prospering old prostitute!
Njoki calls herself “a highly respectable woman in the society.” She mentions it more than twice. Since according to her, standards are measured with what car one drives, the liquor they drink and the clubs they attend, (my God, may lighting strike her dead if you catch her at club Millionaire) or the events they go to (where you at, Masaku and road trip ratchets?) . Since that’s how she measures respectability in the society……. what car do you drive, Njoki chege? By the way, I don’t drive but my friends will tell I am a great person they respect and my sense of humor is up there, at par with Njoki’s taste in men.
This girl really, REALLY admires married men. “Unfortunately, all the gentlemen that tickle my fancy are all married! Nothing could be more heartbreaking than this.” So, you think all those women found those men when they were already driving 3M cars and going for trips in the Bahamas? No, they made them! They found them driving Toyotas (second hand) were there to take them home when they blacked out on them after drinking cheap alcohol – which according to her article is something that makes her sick to the stomach. (The blacking out, for those who never read her article). Ohh, and how could I forget, these women were there to double tap on every “photo of cheap lager” they posted on instagram, before they matured and became “gentlemen of chivalry, experienced, well groomed, have class, can manage their alcohol, independent, blah blah blah…… make your own man girl, don’t wait for another woman to groom him for you!
Your honor, I rest my case!
That said and done, I greatly admire Njoki’s style of writing. As a writer, she has some great skills!
by sunsetter
Hahaha! Isn’t that lady just hilarious in a sad way!
by Ben Kairu
Hate her all you will but she’s saying a lot of sense and a lot of painful truth as well. I am a man but am also sick of these 20 something year olds who have no clue about what they want in life, have no goals, have no ambition and live a cheap false life dictated by music videos and all the crap the see on TV. Why would you date an overgrown baby who spends his time chasing illusions, is more concerned about the ringtones on his phone and cannot sustain an intelligent conversation.
by sunsetter
Hate? Oh no, just airing my opinions on her Article…
by Johna
Hehehe, not until I read the comments on this blog too. Haha, good writing Winnie
by sunsetter
Lol thanks johna
by Maureen Omare
Good work Winnie… I always want to read more of your work..
by sunsetterverseoftheday
thanks Maureen!!