Interesting how society chooses to look at issues. How they decide they love someone and accept them because of a certain issue and then go ahead and loathe another human being because of the very same issue. Human beings are hypocritical by nature, that’s why.

A few days ago most people were screaming from the top of their lungs how “love has won” after the bill legalizing gay marriage was passed. Of course this is one of those emotive and enigmatic issues that tear a people right through the middle. With it there will never be a clear consensus; you are either for it or against it. No sitting on the fence, aye. Just a month after transforming himself into a woman and Bruce Jenner is already winning awards. Awards like “most influential woman of the year” or something to that effect. In short, most of the people love him.

So why does the now infamous rapper Tyga get so much flak after leaked photos of him with a transgender? I don’t get it. I thought at the end of the day love wins? I’m trying to look at it from various perspectives and my analysis could either be wrong, or not. You might have realized by now how much society loves to play God. They decide who is worth their forgiveness and who isn’t. Or whose “sins” are worth looking away.

In tyga’s case, first of all he cheated on the mother to his kid with a 17yr old girl. Of course most people weren’t amused. Then he went ahead and cheated on the 17 year old with a fully grown half man half woman! Is it that he has no type?! This boy needs prayers! And then as if that wasn’t enough, the beautiful (she is beautiful by the way) Isabella goes ahead and accuses the rapper of paying her peanuts for full time services! (Yes, she is an escort too). In her own words, “I have been seeing Tyga for years, but what I won’t do is continue to be some guy’s dirty secret for crumbs!”

Still, a “sin” is a sin and even God himself said there is no big or small crime. Which reminds me of the Bill Cosby and Tiger Woods saga, but those are stories for another day.

Who sets these rules by the way? Who crosses the line on gayism being a natural act and decides bestiality is a sin? Or do we just make the rules as we go? Who knows, maybe twenty years from now bestiality will be considered legal? Like I said, who knows?

Then we have those people shouting to all and sundry about how being gay is morally wrong. Dude, can you first get off your high horse and stop sleeping around with your neighbor’s or brother’s wife and then you can tell us what is wrong or right. Or you over there stealing property from those who have nothing in the first place and filling your overflowing pockets! And you, yes you who rapes your own daughter, look at you. Where do you get the audacity to tell off another grown man’s decision based on moral grounds? What moral grounds? Like you have any yourself?

It’s a complicated issue, this one. But all I am saying is, before you call another person a sinner, look at yourself and remove the log from your eyes. Not to say that being gay is right, but it not my problem to deal with, is what. Let the bearers of the act carry their own cross.

The argument of Sodom and Gomorrah also doesn’t make sense. The white man’s God is a vengeful God, which we have established. So he destroyed that sinful city because men slept with their fellow men, but remind me again, why was the city of Noah destroyed with floods? What was their sin? Also, are we talking about the same almighty God who destroyed whole clans because a warrior from the said clan kept a few items for himself from a battle scene? Which takes us back to the initial point; Sin is sin. Do not judge others because they sin differently from you. Everyone sins.

Tonight before you turn to hold your wife with zero guilt of the brothel you just visited, ask yourself- when judgment day finally arrives, what sin will finally put me in? Ask yourself again, will I be taken to a different hell from the gays? Will my fire be less hot than other sinners?

In other unrelated news, judgment day; is it a myth or a fact?

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