What is it about this program that no matter how horrible and pathetic it is people still find themselves waiting for the next episode? Personally I tried watching it for the first time yesterday – and I’d be lying if I say I wasn’t intrigued. The whole nonsense was Intriguing in a very weird kind of way.

I kept repeating to myself, “this is so pathetic,” but there I was glued to the TV set, waiting for that moment to confirm with all certainty that pendo really is psychotic. Let’s be honest, that girl needs some help. She needs her head checked before everything spirals out of control. Voices In her head, walking out on food and then demolishing herself for leaving chicken behind, talking loudly to God knows who as she chews on the said chicken…..one word – gone…beyond repair!

While still at pendo, at first I kept thinking, she’s good, she knows what she is doing. She is playing the game perfectly, better than the rest of the women – and man, now that they have introduced the infamous prezzo into the show. I thought; she is playing this better than the rest of the women who do God knows what for a living. Until a pal of mine that knows her told me that is actually how she is in real life. That, ladies and gentlemen, is the real pendo. No censoring, no acting, no exaggeration. The pendo you see on your sets every Monday is the pendo you get in real life. What can I say; she is a train wreck.

Now, back to Nairobi diaries, I swear the producer to that show has lost it. Zero plot, no story line. Because really, does that show even have a story line? I understand that maybe the producer is on a tight budget (the whole set looks really low budget) but for a reality show, it really has left out a lot. And because it lacks originality- seeing as they are trying so hard to copy American reality shows, how about they incorporate the lives of these socialites outside of the usual hullabaloo. Who are these people? Where do they come from? Who are the people crazy enough as to date them? Are they married? Engaged maybe? Boyfriends? What about their families? Parents? Siblings? Now, where do they live? Can they show their houses? What neighborhoods do they come from?

After all, is that not the whole point of reality shows, the American way anyways? If they incorporate that, they can sit back and watch their viewership go up while laughing all the way to the bank.

Sigh. But that’s only my two pence worth…and me, what do I know?

I guess I will be here next Monday to watch the show (Hehe). I hope they really do have a good solid story line other than of course making the ladies fight over prezzo (yawn). I hope also that I will not be seeing pendo in 4 of the five scenes, which I guess will be abit difficult because she is the one everyone loves to hate so much. And you know what that means. People always love to follow on the lives of the people they hate. Like the kardashians. Or how much they hate Serena Williams but her matches fill tennis stadiums to the brim. Human beings are weird.

Finally, there is that new girl who said she just came back from London…..with an American accent. On second thoughts, even the little accent she had sounded forced and could not be placed immediately. London indeed. If you are going to lie about coming from London, at least get some tutorials about how people from there talk.


  • Posted April 5, 2016
    by Abu Amirah

    Interesting! You got me on that chic who came from London with an American accent!

    • Posted April 5, 2016
      by Sunsetter

      Lol, these gals will kill us one day!

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