Estimates place the annual revenue generated by prostitution worldwide to be over $100 billion.
Did you know that calling it prostitution is downright outrageous, disrespectful and unacceptable? I’m a little confused here. Why would using a term that has been there since time immemorial be disrespectful? Did you also know that the term prostitute comes from the Latin word prostituta. Pro meaning “up front” or “forward” and situere defined as “to offer up for sale.” According to sex worker activists of the 1970’s, these noble human beings should be referred to as commercial sex workers. I don’t know which is more insulting, to be honest.
Commercial sex worker. Prostitute.
In the old days, in some cultures, we had prostitutes who were respectable people of society. Women who held high positions. Women who were trend setters and who wined and dined with the powerful men of society. By the way the assumption that power is synonymous with men is, err, callous. Just as is assuming that a prostitute is female. Or any word that is associated with prostitution like whore, escort or hooker. Apparently if you want to talk about a male sex worker you have to refer to them as a male prostitute otherwise if you just say prostitute we will assume you are talking about a woman.
In ancient near east, sex in exchange for money was so revered they even had a practice known as “sacred prostitution.” In case you have never heard of the term, it’s a situation where you have shrines and temples dedicated to various deities where the act takes place. Glorified prostitution. Even more surprising is that they had angels of sacred prostitution. Someone remind me again why the term prostitute is demeaning? Why don’t we just call a spade a spade?
According to Wikipedia, “both women and boys engaged in prostitution in ancient Greece.” “Women and boys” caught my eye. Interesting, this. Does it mean there no male whores in Greece? The topic of prostitution in Greece is so well researched and documented. They don’t lie when they say it’s the oldest profession. Just Google “prostitution in ancient Greece” if you don’t believe me. Ancient times were interesting times. Dirty, rotten, immoral times but interesting all the same. During this era, female prostitutes were independent and sometimes influential people who were required to wear distinctive dresses and had to pay taxes. The trade was accepted as a way of life and medieval civilians’ accepted without question the fact of prostitution. They always argued that with the establishment of the trade men were less likely to collectively rape honest women of marriageable and re marriageable age. In fact ST. Augustine claimed that “the removal of the institution would bring lust into all aspects of the world.” Note the use of the term institution. I-N-S-T-I-T-U-T-I-O-N. Some of the famous prostitutes of that time like Lais were as famous for their company as their beauty and charged extraordinary sums for their services. (Reminds me of our very own “socialites” back home and their exorbitant fees. More and more girls are beginning to look up to them as their role models and they set fashion trends week per week. But that is neither here nor there would I say.)
Another country that has a rich history of prostitution is Japan. They were given the term “oiran” meaning woman of pleasure. Some of the oirans were learned, could perform arts such as music, dance and poetry and of course sexual services and were given only to the wealthiest and highest ranking men. They again, set trends among wealthy women and many became celebrities of their time.
Should prostitution be made legal?
That is the enigmatic question that people would rather not address. History shows it’s an age old practice and let’s not kid ourselves; it’s not something we can wish away with the wave of our hands. It is here to stay. It was there even in the Bible and one of the most famous “socialite” of her time – Mary Magdalene – was the first person to see Jesus after he rose from the dead.
Should prostitution be made legal?
Is the role of prostitutes in society underrated?
During the thirteenth century, the global trend was seen to lean towards creating positive policy on the trade as can be seen by the creation of red light districts instead of laws exiling the sex workers. Some of these laws however were ineffective to wealthier whores as their glamorous appearances were almost indistinguishable from noble women.
Should prostitution be made legal?
What led to change in how the sex workers were viewed? From being accepted as a necessary evil to a despised, unwanted disgrace? Ever seen how these women are treated as lesser beings that only deserve mockery, ridicule and never ending abuse?
What led to change in attitude?
An outbreak in syphilis in Naples in 1494 which later swept across Europe and the prevalence of other sexually transmitted diseases during the 16th century. Also during this time there begun emerging a connection between prostitutes, plague and contagion. As a result brothels begun to be outlawed. People began viewing them as a promiscuous lot who spread disease and harbored criminals and who were criminals themselves “regardless of financial elements.”
What was the stance of the church on the same?
Accept prostitution as an inevitable social evil then condemn those profiting from its trade and encourage the workers to repent. However, and it’s a big however, prostitutes were to be excluded from the church. Yeah right….like how were they supposed to repent if they weren’t allowed to step in the church in the first place? It must be noted though that during the 14th century the church begun to tolerate prostitution as a lesser evil and it was during this time that the idea of prostitute saints took hold with Magdalene (who else?) being the most popular of all saints.
Let’s just say, this trade, or institute, or, let’s just call it what it really is shall we, is not about to disappear any time soon. It has always been there, it always will. Let’s not bury our heads in the sand now. I’m not saying it should or shouldn’t be legalized but I definitely think government (its holders being the biggest clients of the same) should look for ways of making it safer for the practitioners. But what do I know?
In other unrelated news, Mombasa nightlife has gone to the dogs. It is becoming harder everyday to distinguish genuine girls who have come to have fun and those who are there to sell their wares. There I just said it. What’s even worse, they all look the same. Classy and sophisticated. If anything, the hookers seem more classy and composed than the “normal” girls! Ask any Mombasa man who goes out. I’m sure they have a story to tell.
But that, ladies and gentlemen, is a story for another day.